I contact Bangor Chief of Police August 1983

It was two and a half years since my last contact with Shuman and Pinkham and I hadn’t heard a word from the homicide detectives. Mike’s murder was going on on three years old. Not knowing where to turn or what to do to find out what happened to Mike, I wrote to Bangor Police Chief Francis Woodhead requesting a copy of Mike’s criminal record. He responded on August 9, 1983.
     "The law does not provide for any person(s) other than then individual who is seeking the review of his own record [he wasn’t alive to seek his own record], or his attorney, to inspect these records." I didn’t know at that time that criminal records were kept at the Maine State Bureau of Identification in Augusta, Maine and Woodhead did not advise me of that fact.  I just forgot about it at that time.
I contact Maine State Police again 2 1/2 years later
It was a day or so before the 1983 Labor Day weekend when I called the Maine State Police Barracks and spoke with Shuman. I had finally found the courage to contact the homicide detectives again. Mike’s murder was now five months short of three years old and I hadn’t heard a word from the homicide detectives. The only contact I’d had with them was when I initiated the contact. And during my last meeting with them at DA Cox's office their attitude had left me fearful to contact them again. I felt that they were not interested in solving Mike’s murder. But since they were assigned Mike’s case, I had nowhere else to go for help.
    During my conversation on the phone with Shuman I said that I couldn't understand why Pinkham told me what he did about Lionel Cormier and Percy Sargent and then denied it.  He said I could ask him when I came to the meeting, but I only met with Shuman.

Shuman admits Percy Sargent was selling his drugs to a undercover DEA drug informant

This meeting was at the Maine State Police Barracks, where I first met Pinkham. During our meeting Shuman gave me a bs story concerning Percy Sargent, the man Pinkham told me sent a call to have Mike "taken care of." Shuman said that Percy Cote (a drug dealer with a long criminal record) was working for them the night Mike was murdered. He said that there were times when they had to work that way—use criminals to catch criminals. He also said that Percy Sargent did have Mike killed, but that it had nothing to do with the February 17–18, 1981 DEA undercover drug sting that occurred less than four hours before Mike was murdered. He said the reason Percy had Mike killed was because of a $20,000 rip-off he and Mike had planned and when Percy was arrested he feared Mike would tell about the rip-off. (see the statement Pinkham took from an inmate on Feb. 26, 1981 above) He didn’t know who Percy contacted to have Mike killed, and he also told me that he didn’t think Mike’s murder would ever be solved because it was drug-related and no one would talk.
     As I was leaving I saw a door to a room directly across the hall that was nearly closed and the bottom of a man's crossed legs and his shoes behind the door. Pinkham was hiding behind the door. 

Stay away from that

After leaving the meeting, I contacted Mike's attorney (Andrew Mead) to ask him if he would help me find out what happened to Mike. His advice was to “stay away from that, Mrs. Cochran.”