Dear Mrs. Cochran,
Read your editorial on March 26 and I feel as strongly as you do
about the district attorney and the police in the Bangor area.
Now some new events maybe coming up in Micheal's death,
which I'm sure won't come up unless there is some pressure put
on the district attorney.
The new suspect is
Paul Pollard.
He was the one at the camp the night of the fire He has been granted immunity to testify
against his brother, Lionel Cormier
who is in the Penobscot County Jail.
is trying to make a deal with the
District Attorney to have his robbery charge dropped and he will
testify against his brother. This is his
half brother, that’s why the names are not the same.
Now Lionel Cormier pick(ed) Paul Pollard up the night of the fire
right after the fire so Lionel Cormier knows the truth as to
what happen[ed] that night. But to get the
district attorney Christopher Almy to do anything and bring it
out in the open, that is another thing.
Mrs. Cochran if we could get A.
Jay Higgins to do a
little investigating we might find out the truth once and for
all. I know I would like to find out, as I know you would. If
Mr. Higgins is still with the Bangor Daily News you should get
in touch with him.
There is still much more we can do and I will help in
any way I can. I can tell you much more, but I'm not even sure
this your address. When I do find out if you have gotten this
letter I will write or call again.